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New posts in system-verilog

Doxygen alternative for Verilog, SystemVerilog?

Why are nonblocking assignments not allowed in Verilog functions?

verilog system-verilog hdl

Handing reset in SystemVerilog assertions

Defining interface inside a package


In systemverilog # delay fails when RHS signal changes faster than delay


Connecting hierarchical modules: struct vs interface in SystemVerilog


Assign ASCII character to wire in Verilog

What is the point of a "plain" begin-end block?

verilog system-verilog

What is the difference between single (&) and double (&&) ampersand binary operators?

verilog system-verilog

returning queue from function in systemverilog


Are SystemVerilog arrays passed by value or reference?

arrays system-verilog

In SystemVerilog, is it allowed to read a parameter from an interface

system-verilog synthesis

Detect timescale in System Verilog

Prevent systemverilog compilation if certain macro isn't set

SystemVerilog program block vs. traditional testbench

Error: "(vlog-2110) Illegal reference to net"


Arithmetic shift acts as a logical shift, regardless of the signed variable

Does SystemVerilog support downcasting?

casting system-verilog

Is there something like __LINE__ in Verilog?

verilog system-verilog

Printing packed structs in System Verilog