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New posts in system-verilog

why should I use unpacked vectors in System Verilog?


How do I read an environment variable in Verilog/System Verilog?

What is the benefit of automatic variables?


Width independent functions

verilog system-verilog

Modify verilog mode indentation

How can I use foreach and fork together to do something in parallel?

Best way to access the uvm_config_db from the testbench?

verilog system-verilog uvm

Instantiate Modules in Generate For Loop in Verilog

verilog system-verilog

proper use of "disable fork" in systemverilog

Difference between @(posedge Clk); a<= 1'b1; and @(posedge Clk) a<= 1'b1;

verilog system-verilog

Handling parameterization in SystemVerilog packages

verilog system-verilog

How to use clock gating in RTL?

Is the ++ operator in System Verilog blocking or non-blocking?


What is the fastest way to perform hardware division of an integer by a fixed constant?

What SystemVerilog features should be avoided in synthesis?

verilog system-verilog

What's the best way to tell if a bus contains a single x in verilog?

verilog system-verilog

How to create a string from a pre-processor macro

How to define and initialize a vector containing only ones in Verilog?

$size, $bits, verilog

Verilog: How to instantiate a module

verilog system-verilog