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Defining a long string in Razor

syntax razor

difference between A aaa; and A aaa();

c++ object syntax declaration

Please help me understand this C++ parameter declaration with an argument

Can you apply an operation directly to arguments within map/reduce/filter?

Why do most languages not optimise "0 * ...", and are there any languages that do?

The difference between one and many "type" blocks in Delphi

Powershell is ignoring expression after function call

Difference between "HAVING ... GROUP BY" and "GROUP BY ... HAVING"

Lisp DO variable syntax reasoning

syntax lisp let do-loops

Delphi: how to automatically remove unused vars ("Variable 'x' is declared but never used" hint)

delphi syntax

Php what does <<< mean?

php syntax

What does the colon mean in a constructor? [duplicate]

F# shorthand to call method on object in lambda

syntax f# language-features

Scheme: Lists of three dotted elements returning strangely (like an infix operator?)

How to clear items from a ttk.Treeview widget?

python syntax tkinter treeview

Put $$ in dollar-quoted string in PostgreSQL

In C, what does it mean when a variable is declared in between a function header and body? [duplicate]

c syntax

Objective-C method syntax

Why can the circumflex sign be used for control chars in Delphi and is it a good idea?

delphi syntax history

Laravel 4 syntax error out-of-the-box

php syntax yield laravel