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if let acting weird when explicitly specifying type

ios swift syntax optional

What is the difference between _ and _variable in prolog?

syntax prolog

Why do `vector` and `[...]` sometimes behave differently in Clojure?

Is there syntax for moving fields between similar structs?

syntax rust

What is !r called?

python syntax

What does an 'at' @ sign mean in Julia?

syntax julia

R >4.1 syntax: Error: function 'function' not supported in RHS call of a pipe

r syntax

How do I pass multiple parameters to a logparser sql query?

syntax logparser

Syntax (probably BNF) spec of VBA ?

Is there a correct order that attributes should be listed in when linking external files?

html css syntax

vim folding syntax for scss

vim syntax sass

Understanding the exit condition of a 'for' loop

c loops syntax for-loop

Trigger Syntax on HsqlDB : expected ;

How to update a column of char type in mysql to increase its length

mysql sql syntax

Is there JS shorthand for conditional "not equal to a and not equal to b" and such?

Jslint use '||' operator instead of conditional operator

javascript syntax jslint

Ruby Syntax of '=>' (hashrocket)

ruby syntax

Is there any difference between 'base' and 'this' when referring to the parent object field, property or method?

c# optimization oop syntax

Mathematica Notation and syntax mods

Why is arbitrary precision in double literals allowed in Java?

java syntax literals