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New posts in stdatomic

Why 'acquire/release' can not guarantee sequential consistency in c++11?

When is a memory_order_seq_cst fence useful?

How come std::atomic<double> isn't implemented when compiling with clang?

c++ c++11 double stdatomic

sequenced-before modification order consistency

Is there a function to load a non-atomic value atomically?

c++ c++20 stdatomic

Can I safelly share a variable across threads in C++ using only std::atomic without std::mutex?

How C++ Standard prevents deadlock in spinlock mutex with memory_order_acquire and memory_order_release?

Is memory ordering in C++11 about main memory flush ordering?

The difference btween std::atomic and std::mutex

How std::memory_order_seq_cst works

C++ atomics memory ordering for some specific use case

What does memory_order_consume really do?

Acquire/Release semantics

Deleting the container in atomic multi-threaded code

Is atomic<T*> always lock free?

c++ c++11 std stdatomic

What's the difference between T, volatile T, and std::atomic<T>?

How can I show that volatile assignment is not atomic?

Why does a std::atomic store with sequential consistency use XCHG?

What formally guarantees that non-atomic variables can't see out-of-thin-air values and create a data race like atomic relaxed theoretically can?

Approach of using an std::atomic compared to std::condition_variable wrt pausing & resuming an std::thread in C++

c++ c++11 stdthread stdatomic