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New posts in static-code-analysis

Static code analysis tools for VB6

vb6 static-code-analysis

Did I find a bug in CppCheck? Why do I get the "Null pointer dereference" error here?

Checking code for deprecation warnings

RunCodeAnalysis=true not working in command prompt (MSBuild)

Using a custom argument validation helper breaks code analysis

How to treat warnings from clang static code analysis as errors in Xcode 3?

How to generate a Program Dependence Graph (PDG) from Bytecode in Java [closed]

Is Code Contracts failing to spot obvious relationship between Nullable<T>.HasValue and null?

I am looking for a recursion analysis tool [closed]

Visual Studio 2015 Code Analysis C6386 warns of buffer overrun

Extending jshint with custom checks

Visual Studio Code Analysis Error CA 1006

Heap Inspection Security Vulnerability

Detect SQL injections in the source code

Unintentional trailing comma that creates a tuple

Flag "print" statements in Python code

Automatically detect identical consecutive std::string::find() calls

Disable Code Analysis for Some Projects using MSBuild

How to prevent returning a pointer to a temporary variable?

How to find C++ spurious copy operations?