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Static code analysis tools for VB6

Right now we are maintaining some old project written in VB6 we are planning to implement continuous integration server for it. We would like to implement some code analysis as well to track that maintanability at least not getting worse. Basically there is only one requirement - the tool should be command line so we can call it from continuous integration server and it should work with VB6 projects. I will really appreciate any recommendations regards tools to try.

Thank you, Maksym

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Max Markov Avatar asked Mar 23 '10 10:03

Max Markov

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2 Answers

You could look at SourceMonitor as this says that it can produce metrics for VB6, and can be made to work from the command line.

I've only used it for C++ myself.

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quamrana Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 07:10


Have you looked at the recommendations in this question about tools for analysing VB6 source code?

I don't know whether any of these tools can be run from the command-line.

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MarkJ Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 06:10
