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New posts in state-monad

How does the higher-order encoding of indexed monads work?

haskell monads state-monad

Haskell State monad in tracking movement in 2 dimensions

haskell state-monad

Monad transformer for inserts and total lookups on a Map?

What's the proper way to emulate stateful closure in Haskell

Creating monads analoguous to the IO Monad with chained state

haskell monads state-monad

Applicative instance for State and other MTL monads?

Different, interacting levels of state in haskell

Use two monads without a transformer

Pure functional Random number generator - State monad

Haskell State Monad

haskell state-monad

How to handle nested structure when traversing with state monad

Is there a “dual” to zooming?

Combining State monad with Either-style error propagation

How can I combine the CheckingFuelMonad with a State monad in Hoopl?

State Monad containing Random and List in Haskell

haskell monads state-monad

State transformations with a shapeless State monad

Generalized Newtype Deriving

What is the name of this Monad Stack function?

Why does ParsecT type have 'u' argument?