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New posts in state-monad

Trying to understand scalaz state monad

scala lift scalaz state-monad

Can't find a proper signature for a function using STUArray (neither can GHC)

Is a state monad with two state variable types (in and out) still a monad?

Random number sequence un Haskell and State Monad, what am I doing wrong?

haskell random state-monad

A monad for piecewise mutable state

haskell state-monad

How to preserve the state of the monad stack in the IO exception handler?

Implementing recurrence relations on State monads (in Haskell or Scala)

Combine ST and List monads in Haskell

Is there any significant difference between StateT over Reader and ReaderT over State?

Why can I call a monadic function without supplying a monad?

haskell monads state-monad

Haskell instance of `bind` for a custom type

haskell monads state-monad

Understanding the state argument in the State Monad

haskell monads state-monad

Haskell - is state monad a sign of imperative thinking?

State monads: Transitioning from one state type to another

Stateful loop with different types of breaks

Why does my MaybeT (State <type>) () ignore state changes?

Generating a unique value in Haskell do-notation

One more time...can I have an example of state monad that does what I want?

Interrupting lengthy pure computation in MonadState