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New posts in sql-server-2000

Most Performant Way to Convert DateTime to Int Format

tsql sql-server-2000

how to search Sql Server 2008 R2 stored procedures for a string?

Find a stored procedure name with its content in SQL Server 2000

How do I get the list of all stored procedures and their parameters starting with a certain prefix?

Max size of varchar(max) in SQL Server 2000

Extra spaces being added at the tail in the column

How do I set the default database in Sql Server from code?

SQL Server: How to call a user-defined function (UDF) on linked server?

How to check if a column is being updated in an INSTEAD OF UPDATE Trigger

How to increment in a select query

There is already an object named '##Temp' in the database

SQL Server Url Decoding

How do I perform a case-sensitive search and replace in SQL 2000/2005?

Inserting n number of records with T-SQL

How do I export a table's data into INSERT statements?

SQL Server Management Studio: Import quietly ignoring 99.9% of data

SQL Server printf

SQL Profiler (SQL Server 2000), how to filter only my activities?

How can I find unindexed foreign keys in SQL Server

What happened with SQL English query?