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New posts in sql-server-2000

How to create the linked server for SQL Server 2008 where we have the database from 2000 and 2005

TSQL to find if logins have password same as loginname?

Why won't this SQL CAST work? [closed]

Getting bcp.exe to escape terminators

How can I check for average concurrent events in a SQL table based on the date, time and duration of the events?

JDBC connection to very busy SQL 2000: selectMethod=cursor vs selectMethod=direct?

Maximum size of .SQL file or variable for SQL server?

Start stored procedures sequentially or in parallel

How to execute SSIS package when a file is arrived at folder

how to find where a stored procedure is being used

Multiple Versions of SQL Server using Entity Framework in a single ASP.NET application

SQL Scheduled job query, duration of last runs?

SQL Server: ORDER BY in subquery with UNION

Why does the order of join clauses affect the query plan in SQL Server?

Find last sunday

SQL: Group By on Consecutive Records

Best way to get identity of inserted row in Linked server?

NHibernate paging with SQL Server

Wrong week number using DATEPART in SQL Server

How Can I Sort A 'Version Number' Column Generically Using a SQL Server Query