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New posts in spring-data-jpa

Spring - JPA - insert - not passing value for field that has default throws error

Spring Data Repository for Entity where foreign key is also primary key

jpa repository save method returns different id from the one inserted into database

Why does a manually defined Spring Data JPA delete query not trigger cascades?

Spring data Jpa findTop and findFirst generating error Incorrect syntax near '@P0'

Spring boot JPA without Spring data

Using Spring Boot and Data JPA, getting LazyInitializationException despite the OpenSesionInViewFilter

com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'aboutMeText' at row 1

What methods should be written in the Service Layer?

Spring - Cannot catch ConstraintViolationException

How to log SQL queries, their parameters and results with Log4jdbc in Spring Boot projects?

Bulk update over spring data jpa with join

Hibernate Search vs spring-data-solr , spring-data-elasticsearch

Spring JPA Many to Many with extra column not updating

How to implement DDD using Spring Crud/Jpa Repository

The method findOne(Example<S>) in the type QueryByExampleExecutor<Contact> is not applicable for the arguments (Long)

Jhipster - Configure multiple datasources

Saving nested objects with spring data - using an id as a reference

java jpa spring-data-jpa

Spring data jpa, externalizing native queries

Why does not delete method of spring data (JPA) have any return values?

java spring spring-data-jpa