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New posts in spring-data-jpa

Spring Data JPA Auditing never getting called at runtime


How to add limit to Hibernate query annotation?

Specifications and (null) Many-To-One Relationship

How to use QueryDslJpaRepository?

Spring Boot and Spring Data Jpa versions compatiblity

QueryDSL dynamic predicates

Spring Data @Query with Joins

spring boot: only for web application development? [closed]

Scan all beans as if they were in the current package in Spring?

Spring data jpa get old result under multi threading

Spring Data JPA: case insensitive orderBy

java spring spring-data-jpa

Spring Data JPA - query with the date minus 2 days not working

Spring Data JPA @OneToMany infinite loop exception

How to implement API returns nested JSON with OneToMany relationship in Spring Boot?

Spring Data JPA .save() method is not saving in the database

Spring JpaRepository find entities from attribute using unconventional naming

java spring spring-data-jpa

Is there any way to use constant (EnumType Ordinal) value in @Query annotation in JPA repository?

Unable to Fully Recurse Tree Hierarchy Using Java

Without @Repository annotation the code works fine and with annotation also works fine. What is the difference?

Spring Data JPA using injection returns "NoSuchMethodError"