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QueryDSL dynamic predicates

I need help with QueryDSL querying. I'm using this library with Spring Data JPA. My service class:

public class TblActivityService implements AbstractService<TblActivity> {

private TblActivityRepository tblActivityRepository;

public List<TblActivity> findAll(Predicate predicate) {
    return (List<TblActivity>) tblActivityRepository.findAll(predicate);

I have dynamic list of filters:

@Table(name = "sys_filters")
public class SysFilter implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Basic(optional = false)
@Column(name = "filter_id")
private Integer filterId;

@JoinColumn(name = "user_id", referencedColumnName = "user_id")
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private SysUser userId;

@Size(max = 45)
@Column(name = "table_name")
private String tableName;

@Size(max = 45)
@Column(name = "column_name")
private String columnName;

@Size(max = 45)
@Column(name = "condition")
private String condition;

@Size(max = 100)
@Column(name = "value")
private String value;

// getters & setters


I have column name (e.g. title) I have condition (e.g. ==, !=, >= etc.) - I can store it as symbols or words (equals etc.) And finally I have value.

The question is "how to dynamically generate predicate for my service?" Table has about 25 fields.

Predicate looks like that:

public BooleanExpression buildFilteredResult(List<SysFilter> filters) {
    //TODO do it!
    return QTblActivity.tblActivity.title.eq("Value"); 
// I need to do it dynamically for each filter in the list

The problem is how to invoke columnName by its string value. Do you have any suggestions?

like image 893
Vasyl Hoshovsky Avatar asked Mar 15 '23 09:03

Vasyl Hoshovsky

2 Answers

It might be easier to use a mapping filter conditions to operators

Map<String, Operator> operators = ImmutableMap.of(
  "==", Ops.EQ, "!=", Ops.NE, ">", Ops.GT, "<", Ops.LT,
  ">=", Ops.GOE, "<=", Ops.LOE);

  stringPath, Expressions.constant(filterValue));

Also make sure you combine your predicates properly


returns a new predicate and leaves predicates untouched.

Maybe BooleanBuilder is what you are after?

like image 98
Timo Westkämper Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 03:03

Timo Westkämper

A newer solution was released with spring data Gosling/Fowler. If you are creating a web app, you can use the querydsl web support that does the work for you -it reads the get parameters into a predicate and then you can use this predicate from your controller - no need to manually do that - You can customize your repository based on the search criteria (equal, like ...) needed for a particular datatype or particular entity's field. see the documentation here

like image 32
Pete_ch Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 05:03
