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Spring Data JPA - query with the date minus 2 days not working

I have this query that updates some prices higher that 2 days ago, but does not work

    @Query("update HotelDailyPrice hdp  set hdp.price = (select avg (hp.price) "
            + "from HotelPrice hp where hp.id = ?1 and hp.updateDate > CURRENT_DATE - 2), hdp.day = ?2 ")
    void updateDailyAveragePrice (Hotel hotel, String dayDate);
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Ramon De Les Olives Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 01:03

Ramon De Les Olives

1 Answers

Actually, JPA doesn't support time periods operations because not all databases support it. So you have following options:

  1. Calculate date programmatically (i.e. using calendar API or Java 8 Date Time API)
  2. Use native query
  3. Use concrete implementation if your JPA provider allows that. But AFAIK popular JPA providers don't give you such an option.
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asm0dey Avatar answered Mar 10 '23 02:03
