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New posts in smart-pointers

Is std::unique_ptr the wrong tool to allocate memory for an array?

What is the difference between *ptr and *ptr.get() when using auto_ptr?

c++ smart-pointers auto-ptr

Qt smart pointer equivalent to Boost::shared_ptr ?

Force deleting std::shared_ptr in C++

C++ Initialization list and memory alloc

Why I cant return Boost::Scoped_ptr from function?

Error C2275 while creating a COM smart-pointer within "if" statement

c++ com smart-pointers

Smart pointer in global scope

c++ smart-pointers

Abstract Factory with parameterized constructors

I want to perfect forward variadic arguments except for a specific type

Using custom smart pointers in boost python

Circular double linked list with smart pointers in c++

c++ smart-pointers

singleton behaviour related query

Sorting vector of smart pointers: mysterious crash

c++ sorting smart-pointers

Using shared_ptr with FreeRTOS queue

c++ smart-pointers freertos

C++0x unique_ptr replaces scoped_ptr taking ownership?

c++ smart-pointers c++11

Why can't a pointer be automatically converted into a unique_ptr when returning it?

What's the difference between BSTR and _bstr_t?

c++ com smart-pointers

Compiler doesn't fail when pushing back a std::unique_ptr into a std::vector