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New posts in smart-pointers

How does std::shared_ptr delete a polymorphic type with protected destructor? [duplicate]

When is a type considered complete?

How do I pass Rc<RefCell<Box<MyStruct>>> to a function accepting Rc<RefCell<Box<dyn MyTrait>>>?

Accessing owner in destructor c++

shared_ptr - pass by value vs pass by reference

c++ boost smart-pointers

Why would I want to use a smart pointer in this situation?

c++ pointers smart-pointers

Using/storing derived member in derived class with base class that stores base member

How do reference-counting smart pointer's avoid or handle reference-counter overflows?

What happens if a shared_ptr's constructor fails?

How to correctly move ownership from raw pointer to std::unique_ptr?

c++ smart-pointers

Undefined reference error when initializing unique_ptr with a static const

c++ c++14 smart-pointers

C++ Rule of Zero : polymorphic deletion and unique_ptr behavior

Is there a point to define move-only objects in c++11?

Why is there no boost::copy_on_write_ptr?

Is there a general smart pointer like auto_ptr and shared_ptr that doesn't need C++0x?

Using shared_ptr with multi inheritance class

intrusive_ptr: Why isn't a common base class provided?

Lambda capture shared_ptr member

Using std::shared_ptr<void> to point to anything

Why can't I return a shared pointer in C++14 when the function return type is bool?