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New posts in smart-pointers

Smart pointers vs. value as member variables

How to approach copying objects with smart pointers as class attributes?

Why doesn't std::weak_ptr have operator->?

Smart Pointers and Exception handling

Wrapping C create and destroy functions using a smart pointer

What type of object should this function return?

What is the difference between auto pointers and shared pointers in C++

Correct way to initialize array of boost::scoped_ptr?

c++ boost smart-pointers

How do use a std::auto_ptr in a class you have to copy construct?

c++ smart-pointers auto-ptr

Should a library use an interface that uses smart pointers?

c++ smart-pointers

Usage of both scalar and array in smart pointer

c++ smart-pointers

Deleting vector of pointers

OpenCV or Boost smart pointers

How to execute member-function-pointer with a smart pointer object?

Is there a smart pointer type that requires multiple owners?

c++ c++11 smart-pointers

How to handle failure to release a resource which is contained in a smart pointer?

c++ smart-pointers raii

How do I dynamic upcast and downcast with smart pointers?

C++ smart pointers: sharing pointers vs. sharing data

c++ qt smart-pointers

Which is faster on Visual C++ 2010 - std::shared_ptr or boost::shared_ptr?

Replacing auto_ptr in VC++ 8

c++ smart-pointers