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New posts in smart-pointers

Copy constructor with smart pointer

Smart pointers vs Reference

Is there a CUDA smart pointer?

Can someone explain smart pointers in plain English?

c++ smart-pointers

shared_ptr and references in C++

Boost scoped_ptr / scoped_array with custom deleter

c++ boost smart-pointers

Custom deleters for std::shared_ptrs

virtual constructor idiom with smart pointers

Is it bad practice to typedef a smart pointer? [closed]

c++ smart-pointers

How to remove smart pointers from a cache when there are no more references?

Understanding weak reference counter

c++ c++11 smart-pointers

C++11 make_shared instancing

Understanding C++ std::shared_ptr

Some std::unique_ptr uses and "gotchas"

Can i pass auto_ptr by reference to functions?

c++ smart-pointers auto-ptr

Should I use a smart pointer?

Why is there memory leak while using shared_ptr as a function parameter?

c++ smart-pointers

Unique pointer and const correctness

Should boost::ptr_vector be used in place std::vector all of the time?

What's with unique_ptr::get() instead of &*?