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Clone pattern for std::shared_ptr in C++

Why do you need (in order to make it compile) the intermediate CloneImplementation and std::static_pointer_cast (see Section 3 below) to use the Clone pattern for std::shared_ptr instead of something closer (see Section 2 below) to the use of raw pointers (see Section 1 below)? Because as far as I understand, std::shared_ptr has a generalized copy constructor and a generalized assignment operator?

1. Clone pattern with raw pointers:

#include <iostream>

struct Base {
    virtual Base *Clone() const {
        std::cout << "Base::Clone\n";
        return new Base(*this);

struct Derived : public Base {
    virtual Derived *Clone() const override {
        std::cout << "Derived::Clone\n";
        return new Derived(*this);

int main() {
  Base *b = new Derived;

2. Clone pattern with shared pointers (naive attempt):

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

struct Base {
    virtual std::shared_ptr< Base > Clone() const {
        std::cout << "Base::Clone\n";
        return std::shared_ptr< Base >(new Base(*this));
struct Derived : public Base {
    virtual std::shared_ptr< Derived > Clone() const override {
        std::cout << "Derived::Clone\n";
        return std::shared_ptr< Derived >(new Derived(*this));

int main() {
  Base *b = new Derived;


error: invalid covariant return type for 'virtual std::shared_ptr<Derived> Derived::Clone() const'
error:   overriding 'virtual std::shared_ptr<Base> Base::Clone() const'

3. Clone pattern with shared pointers:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

struct Base {

    std::shared_ptr< Base > Clone() const {
        std::cout << "Base::Clone\n";
        return CloneImplementation();


    virtual std::shared_ptr< Base > CloneImplementation() const {
        std::cout << "Base::CloneImplementation\n";
        return std::shared_ptr< Base >(new Base(*this));
struct Derived : public Base {

    std::shared_ptr< Derived > Clone() const {
        std::cout << "Derived::Clone\n";
        return std::static_pointer_cast< Derived >(CloneImplementation());


    virtual std::shared_ptr< Base > CloneImplementation() const override {
        std::cout << "Derived::CloneImplementation\n";
        return std::shared_ptr< Derived >(new Derived(*this));

int main() {
  Base *b = new Derived;
like image 299
Matthias Avatar asked Apr 24 '17 10:04


People also ask

Can shared_ptr be copied?

The ownership of an object can only be shared with another shared_ptr by copy constructing or copy assigning its value to another shared_ptr . Constructing a new shared_ptr using the raw underlying pointer owned by another shared_ptr leads to undefined behavior.

Can shared_ptr be Nullptr?

A null shared_ptr does serve the same purpose as a raw null pointer. It might indicate the non-availability of data. However, for the most part, there is no reason for a null shared_ptr to possess a control block or a managed nullptr .

Is shared_ptr copy thread safe?

std::shared_ptr is not thread safe. A shared pointer is a pair of two pointers, one to the object and one to a control block (holding the ref counter, links to weak pointers ...).

Where is std :: shared_ptr defined?

If your C++ implementation supports C++11 (or at least the C++11 shared_ptr ), then std::shared_ptr will be defined in <memory> . If your C++ implementation supports the C++ TR1 library extensions, then std::tr1::shared_ptr will likely be in <memory> (Microsoft Visual C++) or <tr1/memory> (g++'s libstdc++).

1 Answers

The general rule in C++ is that the overriding function must have the same signature as the function it overrides. The only difference is that covariance is allowed on pointers and references: if the inherited function returns A* or A&, the overrider can return B* or B& respectively, as long as A is a base class of B. This rule is what allows Section 1 to work.

On the other hand, std::shared_ptr<Derived> and std::shared_ptr<Base> are two totally distinct types with no inheritance relationship between them. It's therefore not possible to return one instead of the other from an overrider. Section 2 is conceptually the same as trying to override virtual int f() with std::string f() override.

That's why some extra mechanism is needed to make smart pointers behave covariantly. What you've shown as Section 3 is one such possible mechanism. It's the most general one, but in some cases, alternatives also exist. For example this:

struct Base {
    std::shared_ptr< Base > Clone() const {
        std::cout << "Base::Clone\n";
        return std::shared_ptr< Base >(CloneImplementation());

    virtual Base* CloneImplementation() const {
        return new Base(*this);

struct Derived : public Base {
     std::shared_ptr< Derived > Clone() const {
        std::cout << "Derived::Clone\n";
        return std::shared_ptr< Derived >(CloneImplementation());

    virtual Derived* CloneImplementation() const override {
        std::cout << "Derived::CloneImplementation\n";
        return new Derived(*this);
like image 124
Angew is no longer proud of SO Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09

Angew is no longer proud of SO