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New posts in skemitternode

Spritekit and OpenGL: smooth smoke trail

SpriteKit SKEmitterNode targetNode crash EXC_BAD_ACCESS

How can I tell when a SKEmitterNode has reached its maximum particles?

Individual particles and physics in Sprite Kit

How to resize an SKEmitterNode?

SKEmitterNode isn't removing itself from parent?

Have particle emitter trail follow finger path in spriteKit

SKEmitterNode how to maintain same effect with blend mode "add" across different backgrounds

Trying to change the color of the particles emitted by my SKEmitterNode from WITHIN the code

sprite-kit skemitternode

Specify random particle start colour with no animated change?

Creating a trail with SKEmitterNode and particles in SpriteKit

how to add particles using SpriteKit in iOS7

How to achieve this animation with Spritekit?

SpriteKit Particle Emitter Multi Image

Node's path particle effect with SpriteKit

Unable to pause SKEmitterNode in iOS9

Making a particle follow a path in spriteKit

How do you stop a particle effect? (SKEmitterNode)