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New posts in shared-ptr

Breaking cyclic references with std::weak_ptr and alias constructor: sound or problematic?

How do `shared_ptr`s achieve covariance?

Getting raw pointer from shared_ptr to pass it to function that requires raw

Using shared_ptr to abstract base as holder with boost.python

Is shared_ptr destruction safe with multiple threads?

C++11 transform with shared_ptr to a vector and class

How to fix "Invalid read of size 8 - 40 bytes inside a block of size 64 free'd"

How can I pass boost::shared_ptr as a pointer to a Windows Thread function?

Drawing Smart Pointers in UML

bad_weak_ptr when calling shared_from_this() in base class

boost shared_ptr casting to void*

c++ boost shared-ptr

passing vector<shared_ptr<Derived>> to a function expecting vector<shared_ptr<Base>>

const correctness and shared_ptr, a matter of design?

Finding where a shared_ptr's reference count is incremented

C++ memory management when passing shared_ptr to lambda

shared_ptr vs CComPtr

c++ com shared-ptr

weak_ptr, make_shared and memory deallocation

What's the best strategy for typedef'ing shared pointers?

c++ boost typedef shared-ptr

Is there a way to cast shared_ptr<void> to shared_ptr<T>?

memory leak under GCC (but not Clang) when throwing in the middle of a C++14 initializer list for std::list<shared_ptr>