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New posts in shared-ptr

shared_ptr: what's it used for

c++ boost shared-ptr raii

why we cannot use "=" to shared_ptr or unique_ptr? [duplicate]

shared_ptr null pointer and assignment

c++ pointers null shared-ptr

Why does `std::shared_ptr` store a type erased deleter [duplicate]

Wrapping shared pointer object with SWIG don't give access to class member functions

Is using shared_ptr and weak_ptr to manage lifetime of std::function safe?

using std::shared_ptr with a protected constructor\destructor [duplicate]

c++ c++11 shared-ptr

How to deep copy full object behind boost::shared_ptr<T> into shared_ptr pointing to new location?

c++ boost shared-ptr

I want to perfect forward variadic arguments except for a specific type

std::shared_ptr preallocation memory

ABI Compatibility between release and debug

atomic_load/atomic_store on std::shared_ptr in VC11 - why the global spinlock?

Why does C++ shared pointer not behave like standard pointer for iterators?

How do I use std::unique_ptr<T> with an interface that returns an int?

c++ c++11 shared-ptr

std::shared_ptr in a union

c++ shared-ptr unions

How can boost::serialization be used with std::shared_ptr from C++11?

What is the meaning of this piece of Standardese about shared_ptr's use_count()?