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New posts in setuptools

Python cx_freeze & setuptools

python setuptools cx-freeze

Distributing my python module inside organization

python pip setuptools

Create a list of console_scripts defined in a Python package

python setuptools

Check whether a python package has been installed in 'editable' (egg-link) mode or not?

No module named 'pkg_resources'

python pip setuptools

Setuptools how to build shared library before package installation


What does "has no metadata" mean in a yolk package listing?

Python setuptools develop command: "No module named..."

python setuptools

Cx_Freeze cannot find pkg_resources/*.*'

python setuptools cx-freeze

How to access text file in project root from python package under `src/` directory

Why does running "setup.py test" run my console script?

python setuptools

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named <modulename> after pip install

How to install python cli scripts with setuptools without duplicates?

python setuptools

What are the use cases for a Python distribution?

python setup tools console_scripts with arguments

python setuptools

How to build and distribute a Python/Cython package that depends on third party libFoo.so

How to write a minimally working pyproject.toml file that can install packages?

How to build a source distribution without using setup.py file?

What keyword arguments does setuptools.setup() accept?

pip install -U setuptools fail windows 10