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New posts in pkg-resources

how to load resource file while running python unittest using twisted trial

How to access text file in project root from python package under `src/` directory

Python: Writing to files within packages?

python pkg-resources

pylint doesn't like pkg_resources.resource_filename

Accessing python egg's own metadata

How can I deal with python eggs for multiple platforms in one location?

The gyp==0.1 distribution was not found

How to get installation directory using setuptools and pkg_ressources

How do a load a python package resource from the current distribution using pkg_resources?

python pkg-resources

How to serve static files in FastAPI

Why does my installed app handle pkg_resources.iter_entry_points differently than in source?

Why can't `virtualenv` find `pkg_resources`?

Accessing files in python egg from inside the egg

python pkg-resources

pkg_resources.resource_stream fails on python3