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How can I get python.h into my python virtualenv on Mac OSX?

python c python-extensions

How to return a list of ints in Python C API extension with PyList?

Python Function Capsules

Differences between Cython, extending C/C++ with Python.h, etc

Cython C-level interface of package: *.pxd files are not found

how to write setup.py to install python extention (xxx.so file) built by SWIG?

Including and distributing third party libraries with a Python C extension

Import and use standard Python module from inside Python C extension

why i failed to build sqlite3 when build python?

Do function pointers remain valid across processes?

Correct cyclic garbage-collection in extension modules

How to pass --debug to build_ext when invoking setup.py install?

Data corruption: Where's the bug‽

Cython compilation error for free function (Cannot convert Python object argument to type 'FooBar *')

.so module doesnt import in python: dynamic module does not define init function

Definition of PyBufferProcs in Python 2.7 when class implements PEP 3118

How to build and distribute a Python/Cython package that depends on third party libFoo.so

Tutorials on optimizing non-trivial Python applications with C extensions or Cython