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New posts in setuptools

How do I convince setuptools to use a temporary directory for requires packages from setup_require or tests_require?

Why does setuptools need to write bytecode?

How to install python binding of a C++ library

Python + setuptools: distributing a pre-compiled shared library with boost.python bindings

python c++ boost setuptools

How to run a script when a user uninstalls my package with pip?

python bdist_rpm not using install_requires?

Cythonize but not compile .pyx files using setup.py

Custom post install script not running with pip

python setuptools include files from parent directory

python setuptools

Output directories for python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel

Installing python package from git at tag with setup.py

Setuptools / distutils: Installing files into the distribution's DLLs directory on Windows

Python's setup.py: how to install different files for different platforms

How to use "checkinstall" with Python packages that use "setuptools"

What's a good pip/setuptools compliant version number for a fork of a package?

python pip setuptools

Adding a setuptools command using `entry_points`

python setuptools

What is the purpose of setuptools requirements of the form "package===version"

python setuptools

Python Namespace package as extension to existing package

"InvalidRequirement: Invalid requirement, parse error" error after updating a python package

python pip setuptools

python setuptools install_requires is ignored when overriding cmdclass