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New posts in setuptools

Python: Why do some packages get installed as eggs and some as "egg folders"?

RemoveError: 'setuptools' is a dependency of conda and cannot be removed from conda's operating environment

How can I use setuptools to generate a console_scripts entry point which calls `python -m mypackage`?

setup_requires with Cython?

How can I install packages hosted in a private PyPI using setup.py?

python setuptools pypi

How to obtain arguments passed to setup.py from pip with '--install-option'?

python pip setuptools

MANIFEST.in, package_data, and data_files clarification?

python setuptools distutils

Import error on installed package using setup.py

Error while downloading the requirements using pip install (setup command: use_2to3 is invalid.)

How do I force `setup.py test` to install dependencies into my `virtualenv`?

How can I add post-install scripts to easy_install / setuptools / distutils?

python setuptools distutils

Python Namespace Packages in Python3

Execute a Python script post install using distutils / setuptools

How do I use data in package_data from source code?

pip install test dependencies for tox from setup.py

Python: Multiple packages in one repository or one package per repository?

Is it possible to express a platform-specific dependency in setup.py without building platform-specific versions of my egg?

python setuptools distutils

How to solve pkg_resources.VersionConflict error during bin/python bootstrap.py -d

python setuptools buildout

Excluding a top-level directory from a setuptools package

python setuptools

PyCharm does not recognize modules installed in development mode