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New posts in setuptools

How to force a python wheel to be platform specific when building it?

Cross Compiling Python Extensions

How can I make setup tools install a github forked PyPI package?

Pros and cons of 'script' vs. 'entry_point' in Python command line scripts

How to dynamically add and load entry points?

Python - Packaging Alembic Migrations with Setuptools

python setuptools alembic

Is `setup.cfg` deprecated?

How to force virtualenv to install latest setuptools and pip from pypi?

How can I tell if Python setuptools is installed?

python pip setuptools

Python packaging: Generate a python file at installation time, have this work with tox

Is there a best practice to make a package PEP-561 compliant?

python setuptools mypy

Prevent package from being installed on old Python versions

ImportError: No module named extern

broken easy_install and pip after upgrading to OS X Mavericks

What is "where" argument for in setuptools.find_packages?

python setuptools packaging

setup.py sdist exclude packages in subdirectory

python setuptools

Distribute a Python package with a compiled dynamic shared library

should pytest et al. go in tests_require[] or extras_require{testing[]}?

python setuptools setup.py

Pipenv vs setup.py

python pip setuptools pipenv

What does the `platforms` argument to `setup()` in `setup.py` do?