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MANIFEST.in, package_data, and data_files clarification?

I am trying to create a Python package, and I have a directory structure like this:

mypkg/ ├── __init__.py ├── module1 │   ├── x.py │   ├── y.py │   └── z.txt └── module2     ├── a.py     └── b.py 

Then I added all the files in MANIFEST.in and when I check the created archive, it had all the files.

When I do python setup.py install in the dist-packages/mypkg/module1. I see only the Python files and not z.txt.

I have z.txt in both MANIFEST.in and setup.py:

setup (     packages = [         'mypkg',         'mypkg.module1',         'mypkg.module2',     ],     package_data = {         'mypkg': ['module1/z.txt']     },     include_package_data = True,      ... ) 

I tried adding the file as data_files as well but that created a directory in /usr/local. I want to keep it inside the source code directory as the code uses that data.

I have read the posts listed below but I keep getting confused about what is the right way to keep z.txt in the right location after setup.py install.

  • MANIFEST.in ignored on "python setup.py install" - no data files installed?
  • Installing data files into site-packages with setup.py
  • http://blog.codekills.net/2011/07/15/lies,-more-lies-and-python-packaging-documentation-on--package_data-/
like image 904
Sourabh Avatar asked Jan 20 '13 06:01


People also ask

What is package_data?

The package_data argument is a dictionary that maps from package names to lists of glob patterns. Note that the data files specified using the package_data option neither require to be included within a MANIFEST.in file, nor require to be added by a revision control system plugin.

How do you include data in a python package?

Place the files that you want to include in the package directory (in our case, the data has to reside in the roman/ directory). Add the field include_package_data=True in setup.py. Add the field package_data={'': [... patterns for files you want to include, relative to package dir...]} in setup.py .

Video Answer

2 Answers

Try using setuptools instead of distutils.

like image 139
CJH Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09


Update: It got fixed when I started using setuptools instead of distutils.core. I think it was some problem with distutils not agreeing with manifest while setuptools worked without any changes in the code. I recommend using setuptools in the future. Using the link here : setup tools- developers guide

like image 33
Sourabh Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 11:09
