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New posts in setuptools

py2app picking up .git subdir of a package during build

Module found in install mode but not in develop mode using setuptools

python setuptools setup.py egg

Python setup.py test dependencies for custom test command

How to include post install script in python setuptools

Can python setup.py install use wheels?

python pandas setuptools

Python - Recursively include package data in setup.py

python setuptools

pushing to nexus, I get "Repository path must have another '/' after initial '/'"

python nexus setuptools

Is there a NODE_ENV equivalent in Python

How to install a wheel-style package using setup.py

How come I can't get the exactly result to *pip install* by manually *python setup.py install*?

python setuptools

pip giving "ImportError: No module named setuptools" but I can import setuptools in python interpreter

python pip setuptools

What's distutils' equivalent of setuptools' `find_packages`? (python)

ModuleNotFoundError when using setup.cfg and version accessed with attr

Why can't I exclude `tests` directory from my python wheel using `exclude`?

Python - Is there any way to get pip without setuptools?

Unable to include static package files in egg via setuptools

python setuptools pyramid

What are the best practices for creating Python Distributions(eggs) on(and for) Multiple Operating Systems

How to make easy_install execute custom commands in setup.py?

how to make "python setup.py install" install source instead of egg file?

python setuptools egg

OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied when updating setuptools

python homebrew setuptools