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Module found in install mode but not in develop mode using setuptools

I'm using setuptools for the first time, and trying to package my code so that others can easily develop it. I'm running everything in a virtual environment.

Short question: How do I change the directory that the egg-link points to when I run python setup.py develop?

Long question: The module I'm developing is called cops_and_robots. When I run python setup.py install, things work fine and I'm able to import my cops_and_robots module. However, when I run python setup.py develop, running import cops_and_robots fails because the cops_and_robots.egg-link points to the wrong directory:

(cops_and_robots)Antares:cops_and_robots nick$ cat ~/virtual_environments/cops_and_robots/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cops-and-robots.egg-link 

Here's the directory structure:

| |____cops_and_robots # the whole package directory
| | |____...
| | |____requirements.txt
| | |____setup.py
| | |____src
| | | |____cops_and_robots # the python package directory
| | | |______init.py__
| | |____...

And my setup.py:

from setuptools import setup, find_packages
import ez_setup

    # Author information and Metadata

    # Package data
    install_requires=[i.strip() for i in open("requirements.txt").readlines()],

The manual fix is to just append src/cops_and_robots to the cops_and_robots.egg-link file, but I'm looking for a more elegant way to do that.

like image 362
Nick Sweet Avatar asked Jun 09 '15 16:06

Nick Sweet

People also ask

What is setuptools module in Python?

setuptools is a package development process library designed to facilitate packaging Python projects by enhancing the Python standard library distutils (distribution utilities). It includes: Python package and module definitions. Distribution package metadata.

Does pip require setuptools?

A Python file that relies only on the standard library can be redistributed and reused without the need to use setuptools. But for projects that consist of multiple files, need additional libraries, or need a specific version of Python, setuptools will be required.

Is setuptools installed by default with Python?

Usually, Yes. the setuptools is not part of the python vanilla codebase, hence not a vanilla modules. python.org installers or mac homebrew will install it for you, but if someone compile the python by himself or install it on some linux distribution he may not get it and will need to install it by himself.

1 Answers

Probably too late for your immediate need, but setuptools devel installation has had this problem for a long time. Luckily, there is an easy workaround that might work in your case. Just try changing:

# Package data


# Package data

in your setup.py script.

That case should work well enough with setuptools setup.py devel and thus with pip install -e as well.

For some more background information on this issue, see the following links:

  • https://bitbucket.org/pypa/setuptools/issues/230
  • https://bitbucket.org/tarek/distribute/issues/177
  • https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/126
like image 74
Jurko Gospodnetić Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 02:09

Jurko Gospodnetić