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New posts in setup-project

Is there any point to the setup.exe file created by a setup project in Visual Studio?

How can I create Setup package for wpf 4.5 application using some script

Visual Studio Set-Up Doesn't uninstall previous version of the build

What is the difference between the "Checkboxes (A)" and "Checkboxes (B)" dialogs in a Visual Studio setup project?

Run process under current user

c# setup-project

Is it possible to register environment variables in Setup Wizard project?

Upgrade individual feature in WIX feature-tree without uninstalling/upgrading other feature(s)

Visual Studio Setup Project doesn't upgrade to new program

Include folder in setup project

How to remove "Welcome to the Setup Wizard" text from Visual Studio Installer project

Setup Project in Visual Studio 2010 : Unknown Publisher?

How do I embed a banner image and or add remove programs icon in my setup project?

How can I create a windows installer MSI that does not require admin access

How do I add a EULA to a VS2008 setup project?

difference between windows installer 3.1 and 4.5 While creating SetUP Project, which one to select when

Specify Windows Service Name on install with Setup Project

What is the difference between setup project and setup wizard?

.net Setup Project: How to pass multiple CustomActionData fields

c# .net setup-project

Visual Studio 2010 "Setup Project" registry editor doesn't work

Correct way to uninstall a Windows service?