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What is the difference between setup project and setup wizard?

For a winform application I have to create an installer project, here is what I have as choice:

enter image description here

What is the difference between Setup Project and Setup Wizard ?

like image 689
Giu Avatar asked Jan 14 '15 21:01


2 Answers

The Setup Wizard will use about 5 steps to lead you create any kind of Setup Project/ Web Setup Project / Merge Module Project / CAB Project,

And the Setup Project creates a Setup Project.

I make the screenshot of steps of Setup Wizard to create Setup Project:

1.Welcome Page

2.Choose Create a setup for a Windosws application, the other 3 options can create Web Setup Project / Merge Module Project / CAB Project

enter image description here

3.Choose project outputs to include, here will show other projects in the same solution for you to choose from

enter image description here

4.If you have other files to include, you can add here

enter image description here

5.Summary and check, click finish to create

enter image description here

6.The final create screen is same as directly create a Setup Project.

In fact, every steps in the Setup Wizard all can be set somewhere in the directly created Setup Project.

enter image description here

like image 190
yu yang Jian Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09

yu yang Jian

The Setup Wizard will help automate the creation of one of the project types shown in the dialog.

The Setup Project option creates an installer for a Windows-based application.

See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307353

like image 44
Matthew K Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09

Matthew K