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VS2013 - Can code lens appear above method attributes?

Visual Studio 2013 introduced a new feature, Code Lens, where it shows you how many times each of your methods are called/referenced, how many unit tests cover the method, and how many are passing. The code lens information appears above the method and below any attributes the method has like so:

code lens looks like it is associated with the wrong data member

If the method has a lot of attributes they can appear separate from the method. As proximity in design implies relationship, the attributes can appear to be associated with something else. This is especially the case if you are accustomed to not having line breaks separating methods. Is there anyway to move the code lens feature so it appears above the method attributes?

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Aran Mulholland Avatar asked Dec 05 '13 00:12

Aran Mulholland

People also ask

How to enable code Lens?

Go to Tools > Options > Text Editor > All Languages > CodeLens. When the indicators are turned on, you can also open the CodeLens options from the indicators.

How to check the changes made in Visual Studio?

Visual Studio maintains a history of file changes. Modified files are marked with a red check mark in the Solution Explorer. You can compare your changes with the original file by right-clicking on the file name and selecting Compare with Unmodified. The Diff window shows new code in green and removed code in red.

1 Answers

This is currently not supported. But has been requested from Microsoft. See the connect report below.


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Spock Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09
