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New posts in codelens

Is it possible to create a custom CodeLens adornment?


CodeLens only finds tests that are written in MSTests

CodeLens only showing references?

Visual Studio 2015 Method Info

How can I save the contents of the "CodeLens References" window to a file in Visual Studio 2015?

Prevent Visual Studio from counting references of certain methods

c# visual-studio codelens

VS 2013 CodeLens

Visual Studio 2013 feature Code Lens with NUnit

Visual Studio 2015 codelens issues when using Typescript

Is there any CodeLens add-on available that shows the git history of the given method?

Code Lens not working properly after interactive rebase

How to disable CodeLens' references display in C# [duplicate]

Why does CodeLens always show "0 authors, 0 changes"?

VS2013 - Can code lens appear above method attributes?

How to extend CodeLens

Visual Studio 2013 RC CodeLens not showing up

Visual Studio 2015 - CodeLens toggle on/off with keyboard shortcut

CodeLens style in-context information in IntelliJ IDEA

intellij-idea codelens