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New posts in serialization

Benefits and drawbacks of generated C# classes for Json objects

How to initialize a struct in array with readonly values using Expression Trees in C#

Serializing a Scala class that extends a Java class: value lost?

java scala serialization

Using JQuery .serialize() to combine form elements with the same name?

jquery serialization

is there an ocaml library store/use data structure on disk

How can I build a python datastructure by reading it from a file

python serialization

Serialize and Deserialize object graph using BinaryFormatter

Deserializing C# Binary in Java

c# java .net serialization

Why is Joda Time serialized form so large, and what to do about it?

java serialization jodatime

Which is the most efficient serialization techninqe that must be language independent [closed]

How to serialize an c# object into xml without schema info? [duplicate]

c# xml serialization

Getting raw bytes from packed struct

serialization rust

Asymmetric serialization and deserialization using Jackson

How to deserialize list of object json by NewtonSoft?

c# json serialization json.net

Deserialize JSON Object to .Net object with NewtonSoft

c# json serialization json.net

Using multiple deserializers for a kafka consumer

How to serialize java.util.Properties to and from JSON file?

python iterate json file where the json structure and key values are unknown

Why am I getting a serialization error?

Boost Serialization multiple objects

c++ serialization boost