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New posts in berkeley-db

can a berkeley database be opened and accessed from multiple programs at the same time?

How do I check what filesystem my SVN repository is using?

Fastest possible key->value disc store with mutiple values

is there an ocaml library store/use data structure on disk

How to Fix the Broken BSDDB Install in the Default Python Package on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard?

Subversion FSFS - how are revisions stored in the repository?

sqlite , berkeley db benchmarking

sudo easy_install bsddb3 error :Can't find a local Berkeley DB installation [closed]

python berkeley-db qgis bsddb

Which API in Java to use for file reading to have best performance?

Is BerkeleyDB open sourced? Where can I find its source code?


I am trying to install bsddb3, but there is an error, how can I fix it?

Using RVM, how to ensure gems and non-gems see the same version of ruby?

ruby rubygems rvm berkeley-db

what are the coordinates of Berkeley DB JE 5.0.x in Maven Central?

A non-relational embedded database with a permissive free software license?

Efficient way to check existence in a large set of strings

What is the proper way to access BerkeleyDB with Perl?

Any DBM for .NET?

Python Berkeley DB/Sqlite

python sqlite berkeley-db

fsync vs write system call

filesystems berkeley-db