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New posts in binaryformatter

Serialize objects with inheritance by defining serialize method only in base class?

Changing types during binary deserialization in C#

BinaryFormatter in netstandard 1.5

Serialize and Deserialize object graph using BinaryFormatter

OutOfMemory exception from BinaryFormatter.Deserialize coming from its internal StringBuilder call

Binary stream '0' does not contain a valid BinaryHeader error on deserialization

DataContractSerializer vs BinaryFormatter performance

Binary Formatter and properties with\without backing fields

C# ProgressBar with Deserialize()

BinaryFormatter ignore assembly version

Dictionary is empty on deserialization

.NET Remoting, why isn't a list remotable?

Is it possible to recover an object serialized via "BinaryFormatter" after changing class names? [duplicate]

c# .net binaryformatter

Binary file format with 1000s of records in C#

Binary serialization in .NET Core

.net-core binaryformatter

How to convert image into binary format in iOS?

ios image binaryformatter

How to increase deserialization speed?

Deserialize to type whose namespace has changed

Decimal byte array constructor in Binaryformatter Serialization

Performance: BinaryFormatter vs. XmlSerializer