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Binary Formatter and properties with\without backing fields

I have the following class serialized into a file using BinaryFormatter:

public class TestClass
    public String ItemTwo { get; set; }
    public String ItemOne { get; set; }

Using this code:

FileStream fs = new FileStream("DataFile.dat", FileMode.Create);
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
formatter.Serialize(fs, new TestClass{ItemOne = "ItemOne", ItemTwo = "ItemTwo"});

When deserializing using this code:

FileStream fs = new FileStream("DataFile.dat", FileMode.Open);
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
TestClass addresses = (TestClass)formatter.Deserialize(fs);

I get everything normally. However, now I need the class to have some backing fields like so:

public class TestClass
    private string _itemTwo;
    private string _itemOne;

    public String ItemTwo
        get { return _itemTwo; }
        set { _itemTwo = value; }

    public String ItemOne
        get { return _itemOne; }
        set { _itemOne = value; }

My problem is that now, for some reason, deserialization from previous version doesn't work anymore. I get the class but the Properties are left null.
I cannot affect the serialization process, or the former class state.
How can I get the file to deserialize to the current class?

like image 621
atlanteh Avatar asked Apr 16 '15 13:04


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1 Answers

If you try to serialize the first version of TestClass the backfields will be serialized automatically by the binary formatter. Auto properties are only syntactic sugar, the compiler transform them in normal properties with backing fields. If you decompile your original console application (or class library) with ILSpy for example you'll see that your private fields are declared as:

.field private string '<ItemOne>k__BackingField'

which is way different from your second declaration with backing fields which yields to:

.field private string _itemOne

An approach would be declaring the ISerializable interface on your TestClass and get the value of the original properties using the information contained in the class SerializationInfo

public class TestClass : ISerializable
    private string _itemTwo;
    private string _itemOne;

    public String ItemTwo
        get { return _itemTwo; }
        set { _itemTwo = value; }

    public String ItemOne
        get { return _itemOne; }
        set { _itemOne = value; }

    protected TestClass(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
        _itemTwo = info.GetString("<ItemTwo>k__BackingField");
        _itemOne = info.GetString("<ItemOne>k__BackingField");

    SerializationFormatter = true)]
    public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
        //Add data to your serialization process here

so you tell the BinaryFormatter how you want your backing fields to be initialized during deserialization.

like image 197
codingadventures Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09
