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Nuxt 404 error page should redirect to homepage

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How do I generate a friendly URL in Symfony PHP?

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Do Google and Bing crawlers treat hash tags in URLs as GET parameters?


What does the link rel="index" thing do?

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Does google index aria attributes? [closed]

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Is <html lang="de-DE"> equal to <meta http-equiv="language" content="DE">?

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use .htaccess for friendly url

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How to use post title as featured image's alt text in Wordpress?

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How is Value determined for an Anchor Tag with Microdata?

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React Router + AWS Backend, how to SEO

Should I use multiple h1 or multiple h2 without h1?

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Is it ok to put a link <a> and an image <img> inside an h1 <h1>?

How to handle ?_escaped_fragment_= for AJAX crawlers?

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HTML Compression and SEO? [closed]

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Does Google follow Buttons/Inputs

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Grails SEO friendly URLs

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how to make my site look like in following image on search engines result

Is it really necessary to have a competely validated Mark Up and css for SEO purposes