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seo - images and h1

I have a situation where I'd like to stick to using my logo instead of the actual text for my h1 tags. if I put in my keywords in the alt tag, instead of actually written, will I suffer in SEO. Is it better to have both text and an image? Thoughts?

<div id="hdr-top-logo">
  <a href="/">
   <img src="logo.jpg" alt="keywords and title" />
like image 883
au_stan Avatar asked Feb 03 '12 15:02


People also ask

Can you put an image in an H1 tag?

You can place an image inside an h1 element, but not quite like that … the alt attribute is mandatory. Save this answer. Show activity on this post. To summarize the other answers, it is W3C valid to use an <img> inside an <h1> .

Does H1 tag affect SEO?

H1 tags are an important part of SEO. All of the important pages on your site should have H1 tags to draw in the reader and give a clear indication of the content on the page. When you have great H1 tags, especially when you match them to your title tags, it can make a big difference to SEO performance.

What does H1 mean in SEO?

H1 tags tell search engine bots and web users what a page is about. A webpage's H1 is the most important heading and should accurately summarize the contents of that page. You can't just insert an H1 at the top of the page and call it a day, however.

Should I use H1 for logo?

A logo isn't a primary heading, or even a heading at all, and using the H1 element to markup the logo on each page of your site will do (slightly) more harm than good for your rankings. Semantically, headings (H1 - H6) are appropriate for, well, just that: headings and subheadings for content.

2 Answers

SEO is speculative at best.

Generally the accepted convention is to use where appropriate and you won't suffer. For example, your code I would write something like this:

<div id="hdr-top-logo">
  <a href="/" title="Blahblah.com logo">
   <img src="logo.jpg" alt="Blahblah logo" />

The benefits of actually having the text instead of the logo won't be much, if anything.

Note: alt + title should be descriptive, so don't just stuff a bunch of keywords in there, otherwise you will suffer SEO wise.

like image 103
Nick Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10


If you have access to the CSS, the ideal approach is to replace your h1 tag with an image via css.

So you have this html:

 <h1 id="hdr-top-logo">                   
  <a href="/">

and this css:

#hdr-top-logo { 
width: width of logo.png here; 
height: height of logo.png here; 
background: url(logo.png); 
text-indent: 100%; 
white-space: nowrap; 
overflow: hidden;

When used appropriately, this is completely search-engine friendly.

NB there are quite a few different techniques for image replacement, this is the Scott Kellum method as seen here http://css-tricks.com/examples/ImageReplacement/

You might want to have a look and experiment to see which technique suits your situation best, there are different drawbacks to using different methods.

like image 41
Sam Murray-Sutton Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10

Sam Murray-Sutton