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New posts in html-validation

Do HTML errors count as WCAG errors?

html html-validation wcag

Validation error: ul not allowed as child of element span

html html-validation

The HTML rel tag

Does HTML and CSS needs to be valid before we apply JavaScript?

best HTML validator/parser?

Is checked=no valid in HTML checkboxes?

How can I make Visual Studio validate my MVC3 code as HTML5 instead of XHTML 1.0 Transitional?

How to make jQuery Mobile attributes XHTML-valid

connecting a custom form control to its parent form validation in angular 2

Is it really necessary to have a competely validated Mark Up and css for SEO purposes

Can you use datalist with HTML textarea?

'itemprop' and 'rel' attributes on same element

How "safe" are Angular 2 custom html tags? (selectors: Custom tags vs. Custom attributes)

Label not associated to input

HTML Required validation ignored by Angular?

w3c validator gives 'document type does not allow element "input" here...' error

Material Ui - Add required attribute to a TextField in "select" mode

Are there any (local) HTML validators for Ruby on Rails that work? [closed]

Is it valid HTML to have an anchor tag without href and without name?

Does a <tr> have to be inside a <tbody>