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New posts in semantics

unordered_map: what to return if key is not in map?

c++ semantics unordered-map

How to mark the copyright of an image in html?

Why should I use UL/LI in my HTML?

html semantics

What exactly defines production?

Should I force Python type checking?

python types semantics

nested fieldsets

html semantics

C# Switch with String.IsNullOrEmpty

Why does Django use tuples for settings and not lists?

What is the difference between new[] and new string[]? [duplicate]

c# arrays semantics

p vs. ol or ul for form styling

html css forms semantics

What does "if var" mean in python?

HTML5 - Correct usage of the <article> tag

html rss semantics

What should come first in HTML, an anchor or a header? [duplicate]

html semantics

RPC semantics what exactly is the purpose

networking rpc semantics

Is OO design's strength in semantics or encapsulation?

Does the use of the fieldset HTML tag have meaning beyond grouping forms?

html fieldset semantics

When to return IOrderedEnumerable?

The concept of Bottom in Haskell

How does seq force functions?

Why does Python handle '1 is 1**2' differently from '1000 is 10**3'?