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Should I force Python type checking?

Perhaps as a remnant of my days with a strongly-typed language (Java), I often find myself writing functions and then forcing type checks. For example:

def orSearch(d, query):
    assert (type(d) == dict)
    assert (type(query) == list)

Should I keep doing this? what are the advantages to doing/not doing this?

like image 919
franklin Avatar asked Jul 05 '13 16:07


People also ask

Should I do type checking in Python?

Type hints work best in modern Pythons. Annotations were introduced in Python 3.0, and it's possible to use type comments in Python 2.7. Still, improvements like variable annotations and postponed evaluation of type hints mean that you'll have a better experience doing type checks using Python 3.6 or even Python 3.7.

Does Python typing enforce type?

The Python runtime does not enforce function and variable type annotations. They can be used by third party tools such as type checkers, IDEs, linters, etc. This module provides runtime support for type hints.

Are Python type annotations enforced?

Type annotations in python DO NOT enforce static type checking.

1 Answers

Stop doing that.

The point of using a "dynamic" language (that is strongly typed as to values*, untyped as to variables, and late bound) is that your functions can be properly polymorphic, in that they will cope with any object which supports the interface your function relies on ("duck typing").

Python defines a number of common protocols (e.g. iterable) which different types of object may implement without being related to each other. Protocols are not per se a language feature (unlike a java interface).

The practical upshot of this is that in general, as long as you understand the types in your language, and you comment appropriately (including with docstrings, so other people also understand the types in your programme), you can generally write less code, because you don't have to code around your type system. You won't end up writing the same code for different types, just with different type declarations (even if the classes are in disjoint hierarchies), and you won't have to figure out which casts are safe and which are not, if you want to try to write just the one piece of code.

There are other languages that theoretically offer the same thing: type inferred languages. The most popular are C++ (using templates) and Haskell. In theory (and probably in practice), you can end up writing even less code, because types are resolved statically, so you won't have to write exception handlers to deal with being passed the wrong type. I find that they still require you to programme to the type system, rather than to the actual types in your programme (their type systems are theorem provers, and to be tractable, they don't analyse your whole programme). If that sounds great to you, consider using one of those languages instead of python (or ruby, smalltalk, or any variant of lisp).

Instead of type testing, in python (or any similar dynamic language) you'll want to use exceptions to catch when an object does not support a particular method. In that case, either let it go up the stack, or catch it, and raise your exception about an improper type. This type of "better to ask forgiveness than permission" coding is idiomatic python, and greatly contributes to simpler code.

* In practice. Class changes are possible in Python and Smalltalk, but rare. It's also not the same as casting in a low level language.

Update: You can use mypy to statically check your python outside of production. Annotating your code so they can check that their code is consistent lets them do that if they want; or yolo it if they want.

like image 195
Marcin Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 15:10
