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New posts in sed

Command to insert lines before first match

linux awk sed

What is newline character -- '\n'

c unix vim sed newline

Inserting text from a file to the beginning of another file - bash

bash insert sed

Bash: Find file with max lines count

bash unix sed awk wc

How to read content from two files and merge into a 3rd file in bash shell

Replace multiple consecutive white spaces with one comma in Unix

unix csv sed whitespace

BSD sed: extra characters at the end of d command

sed bsd

How to remove last directory from a path with sed?

shell sed path

How do you use sed from Perl?

perl sed

Using sed on a compressed file

linux shell sed

sed to replace partial string

regex shell unix sed

How to replace whole string using sed or possibly grep

bash shell sed grep

Formatting IP with sed

bash sed ip

the 'd' command in the sed utility


Find and replace for JSON with sed or awk

json bash awk sed

SED: copy lines from a file to specific line in another file

bash sed gnu gnome-terminal

xargs output buffering -P parallel

bash shell awk sed

How to replace a text with another text in a file present at HDFS

sed hdfs

How would I replace a single quote (') with a backslash then single quote (\') using sed?

sed terminal

Escape dollar sign in regexp for sed

regex bash shell sed