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What Jail/Chroot/Sandbox-like mechanisms are available on OpenBSD? [closed]

What type of threads does OS X have?

Is there a good reason to write my own daemonize function instead of using daemon(3)?

c linux unix daemon bsd

UDP broadcast using CFSocket on IOS

ios bsd cfsocket

How do I get information on linux whether my program is swapping or not?

linux posix bsd

How do I find the cpu the current thread is running on, for Mac and BSD?

segfault on write() with ~8MB buffer (OSX, Linux)

Using `splice` for Linux... what else for other systems?

Using a BSD licence library, which uses a GPL library, for the iPhone [closed]

iphone licensing gpl bsd

C random() & setstate function not behaving as expected

c random bsd

What's the meaning of typedef int function(void*)?

c function typedef bsd

dTrace scripts and tools [closed]

Bash printf literal verbatim string

bash unix printf bsd verbatim

'git grep' and word boundaries on Mac OS X and BSD

regex macos git grep bsd

How to test for GNU or BSD version of rm?

bash shell gnu bsd

Sed delete first line from files

bash shell sed terminal bsd

Calculating percentages in arbitrary number of columns

awk bsd

What's the best way to get to know linux or BSD kernel internals? [closed]