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New posts in darwin

What type of threads does OS X have?

Why can I return a bool with return type AnyObject? with UIKit and not with Darwin

ios swift uikit darwin

os.platform() returns darwin instead of OSX

Why isn't Darwin's strtod thread safe?

How do I allocate memory buffers which may be reclaimed by the OS for caching in a Mac OS X kernel extension?

macos kernel iokit darwin xnu

Cross-compilation of cgo (for darwin) fails

go linux darwin cgo

iPhone Objective-c detect Screen Lock

Porting a kernel to a different architecture?

kernel darwin xnu mach

Mac low-level keyboard device corresponding to Linux /dev/input?

macos keyboard darwin

Is there a cross-platform way to reliably find the stdout file descriptor with ctypes?

python macos posix ctypes darwin

Getting suddenly a lot of request from CFNetwork/Darwin

ios swift darwin cfnetwork

How to build a cross-compiler for i386-apple-darwin target from x86_64-apple-darwin host?

can't find swift darwin documentation

ios swift darwin sqrt

passing compiler flags to boost libraries (such as Thread) which require compilation

c++ macos boost darwin

make fails while installing Valgrind

macos makefile valgrind darwin