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New posts in sed

Sed substitution possible with arithmetic involved?

regex sed

How to match pattern at the end of line/text

bash sed

sed merge 2 lines after a pattern

regex sed

Sed replace variable in double quotes

regex bash sed

Concatenate Lines in Bash

sed awk

Using placeholders/variables in a sed command

bash sed awk

If pattern matched delete newline character in that line

awk sed grep tr

Sed get xml attribute value

regex bash sed

Print the duplicate lines in a file using awk

awk sed

Delete all comments in a file using sed

bash sed

Removing leading, trailing and multiple spaces within a string

regex perl sed

delete html comment tags using regexp

regex sed html-parsing

Delete a column from a delimited file in linux

linux unix awk sed

Merge lines between two patterns using sed

sed grep

sed + how to get the second word (string) after "=" separator by sed


Delete line containing one of multiple strings

bash text sed

grep for a line in a file then remove the line

string bash awk sed grep

sed how to delete first 17 lines and last 8 lines in a file

linux bash sed text-processing

Sed to extract text between two strings

regex shell sed awk

Extract lines between two patterns from a file [duplicate]

linux sed awk grep