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Removing leading, trailing and multiple spaces within a string





I would like to remove all leading and trailing spaces. As well as replace multiple spaces with a single space within a string, so that all words in a string are separated exactly by single space.

I could achieve this using following two iteration of regex and looking for single regex solution.

s/\s+/ /g

Sample Input:

   word1   word2 word3     word4    

Desired Output:

word1 word2 word3 word4

It would be appreciable if you could help me to solve this.

like image 852
jkshah Avatar asked Sep 26 '13 05:09


3 Answers

In Javascript, the string prototype has two methods that can manage this:

str = str.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ')

str.trim() — removes leading and trailing spaces (and returns a new string without modifying the original)

str.replace(regex, replacement) — compares regex against the provided string, replaces matched instances with replacement, then returns the result as a new string.

In my example, the regex is delimited with slashes (/regex/) and then g is appended, indicating we want to globally replace every matched instance. Without that 'g' flag, it will to just replace the first match.

Note: The first argument of .replace() should not be encapsulated with quotes if you want it to be interpreted as a regular expression.

\s+ matches multiple spaces in a row


let singleSpace = (sloppyStr) => { 
    let cleanStr = sloppyStr.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ');

singleSpace('   1 2  3   4 ')

yields: '1 2 3 4'

regex: kleene operators will help you understand the regex used to match multiple spaces

Learn more:

regex: helpful guide on regex and /g flag

Google: MDN string trim

Google: MDN string replace

like image 120
Cam Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09


You can use something like:


\s+(?=\s) will match all the spaces in the middle of the string and leave one.

like image 30
Jerry Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09


Using awk

echo "   word1   word2 word3     word4  " | awk '{$1=$1}1'
word1 word2 word3 word4

This $1=$1 is a trick to concentrate everything.

You can even use

awk '$1=$1' file

But if first field is 0 or 0.0 it will fail

like image 44
Jotne Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
